Every child has his/her own individual sleeping and eating pattern and demand. Newborn babies in particular have no concept of daytime or nighttime for the first few weeks. There is not a great deal parents can do to help develop this pattern.
You can support the child in his/her development, but the child will set the pace him/herself. Some infants have a strong natural rhythm. These children will usually sleep through the night very early on. Other babies always feel hungry or tired at different times for many months. They need the support of their parents to find some regularity or to get into a rhythm that is acceptable for the whole family.
Constant, calm daily routines with regular meals, bedtimes and other activities such as walks outdoors or certain rituals are important. A routine, such as bathing, eating, goodnight stories or lullabies, can have a calming effect. Please do not forget to recharge your own energy reserves with a well-balanced diet, sufficient fluids and more breaks than usual during the day.